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Activity Professional Board Certification (AP-BC)


Advanced Activity Professional Board Certification (AAP-BC)


Activity Consultant/Educator Board Certification (AC- BC)


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Activity Professional Board Certification (AP-BC)


Advanced Activity Professional Board Certification (AAP-BC)


Activity Consultant/Educator Board Certification (AC- BC)


Our Services

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Competency Exam


Retake Exam


APNCC Certificate Replacement When Lost or Misplaced/Other Fees


Late Fee


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The APNCC exam scholarship was established in 2016 to provide scholarship opportunities to qualified activity professionals who are preparing for the board certification awarded by APNCC. The scholarship is for $100, to be used solely toward the expense of the APNCC exam. APNCC recognizes the strength of activity professionals in the industry and has seen the financial reductions of employer support for continuing education and certification expenses. No matter the level of care you provide activity services to, if you are ready to take the APNCC exam, take the time to apply for our scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes.  APNCC is committed to following all of the NCCA Standards for accreditation, not just a select few, and continues to work toward NCCA accreditation.  A list of standards we are currently following can be found under this Certification tab under APNCC An All-Encompassing Certification, NCCA Standards.

 Yes, the current Facebook page will stay in place and the name and logo will change to reflect the rebranding of our Center. It is under, “Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center”.

Webster’s Dictionary defines it as being a professional whose qualifications have been approved by an official group. Another definition is: the process of examining and certifying the qualifications of a professional by a board of specialists in the field.

In 2009 a request was made to the National Association of Activity Professionals by members throughout the US for another certification option. Some members had concerns with the operations by another certification option that had moved away from its original intent and mission. It is felt by many that some of those concerns continue to exist today and Activity Professionals have expressed they want a different option to continue to be available to them, one that follows national accreditation standards.

Face to-face an be Conferences, Work Shops, Zoom Meetings, Live Webinars, In-person In-services, anything where you are able to interact with the person who is presenting.

No, it is not. The APNCC is a separate certifying body that meets CMS regulations F tags 658 and 680. APNCC maintains a separate Board of Directors and there is no undue influence from any organization into the operations of the APNCC, also an NCCA standard required for accreditation. APNCC is not dependent on any organization for recognition or promotion. Furthermore, the APNCC Board does not agree with any education body or state association deciding what is best for ALL Activity Professionals and feels there are conflicts of interest in those situations.

No they cannot, they would be counted as a part of the education component of the criteria.

No there is not. There is not a 4 year degreed program available for Activity Professionals. There are many degreed programs with components necessary for the job. There are some degrees that may have a few courses related to the profession but none are comprehensive. Most BA/BS degrees will require basic components such as English, Math, Social Sciences, Biological/Physical Sciences, etc. Because there is no specific degree for Activity Professionals, as there is for Therapeutic Recreation, Music Therapy, etc., The APNCC does require work experience as well as continuing education in the Activity field. Most other certifying bodies require a specific degree and an exam only, no work experience or continuing education. The less formal education an individual has, the more work experience and CE credit they must have for APNCC certification to assure everyone is on a level playing field and has the knowledge and skills necessary for job responsibilities.

APNCC is following the Standards of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). This is an organization that accredits Certification Programs that comply with their Standards. One of their Standards states “to avoid conflicts of interest between certification and education functions, the certification agency must not also be responsible for accreditation of educational or training programs or courses of study leading to the certification”.

No, no one on the APNCC Board or any other Board benefits financially from any of the certification criteria dictated by APNCC. This is also a requirement of the NCCA for accreditation. There can be no conflicts of interest or perceived unethical operations.

We suggest the book: Long Term Care for Activity Professionals, Social Services Professionals and Recreation Therapist Edition 8
By: Elizabeth Martini MS, CTRS, ACC
Mary Anne Weeks MPH, SSC
Priscilla Wirth MS, RRA


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